The biggest transformations in life happen when you stop settling on the fear-based idea of what you “should” be doing and instead start taking risks based on what you WANT/feel called to do.
How much do you put up with in your life just because you feel like you have to?
So many of us live a life of convenience based on other people’s judgements and our own fear of the unknown.
But the truth is, when we’re so busy trying to please others and do the “right” thing, we forget that the only person we need to please is ourself.
And when you honor your authentic self, you’ll actually have so much more to offer others. You’ll be beaming with sunshine and high vibrations.
Pro Tip: Spend time journaling about the areas in your life where you feel like you’re settling. If we never got paid to work, what would you do for work? Where can you use more boundaries in your relationships? What kind of things light you up?
What does your 🌟 TRUTH 🌟 look like?
Start living from that place.