Now is the time for inner work ✨
We’re living through a time of massive transformation and shift - whether we like it or not.
Through my own processing during this time, I’ve repeatedly received the message that now is the time to up-level. And that the more comfortable you become with being uncomfortable, the easier any transition will be 🦋
Many of us are just wishing for things to go back to normal already, but what is “normal” anyway? And was normal serving our highest good?
This transformation is happening in order to bring about massive change. A new way of being.
So during this time we need to slow down, go inward, and reflect on the parts of ourselves that weren’t working before.
⭐️ Pro tip: ask yourself these questions...
• What feels out of alignment in my life?
• Where am I playing small?
• Am I adapting my truth to please others?
• What is no longer serving me? (old ways of thinking, behaviors, people)
By asking yourself these questions, you’ll be able to use this transformative time to help you find clarity on who you really want to be. What does the highest expression of yourself look like?
If you’re feeling called to give yourself more of a refresher or even up-level your life on all accounts & live in pure alignment and joy, head to 7oncentre.com to learn more about my offerings. Including the new fully-customized Virtual Healing experience.
It’s time for a new normal, who’s with me?! 💫